
Diverse services drive growth and success


Based on multiple advantages such as expert team, location advantages, professional processes, and high efficiency, SGP provides customers with a full range of consulting, investment, policy training, conference services, event planning, translation and other services.

SGP has a team of experienced professionals from all over the world. Our geographical advantages enable us to better connect with customers, and our professional processes and high efficiency ensure that we can provide customers with fast and high-quality services. SGP is committed to helping customers achieve success and providing comprehensive support and services for their development.

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Consultation Service

SIPA specializes in key issues related to the Indo-Pacific region and Singapore. We offer strategic forecasts, policy solutions, and risk analysis consultations to government officials, institutions, multinationals, NGOs, investment companies, research institutes, and individuals. Our dynamic information tracking keeps us up to date with policy changes and emerging situations.

Investment Advisor

SIPA prioritizes clients' investment and wealth management needs by offering professional and standardized consulting services. With a skilled investment consulting team, we have built a diverse and practical investment research and consulting service system that meets clients' needs for high-quality products and services to preserve and appreciate asset value.

Policy Training

SIPA offers policy interpretation, situation analysis, and trend analysis during policy training and consulting. We assist in policy project management by dividing key tasks and providing implementation support. Additionally, we conduct training needs analysis, design training systems, and provide comprehensive training on international booklets, policies, finance, and taxation.

Conference Services

Singapore has the location and political advantages of connecting various countries in the region. SIPA undertakes the holding and venue guarantee services of various conferences, forums, exhibitions, cultural and artistic exchanges and other activities held in Singapore, providing planning services for various summits, forums and events.

Translation Service

SIPA provides professional, high-quality translation services. Our translation team consists of experienced native-speaking translators with good language skills and professional background knowledge. We can provide clients with translation services covering various professional fields to ensure that information is conveyed accurately and precisely.

Marketing Research

SIPA provides tailored market research services to help businesses navigate the dynamic and complex market landscape of Southeast Asia. Our team of experts offers valuable insights and in-depth knowledge to enable our clients to make informed decisions and achieve sustainable growth and success in the region.


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