Taiwan Strait Situation

Expertise and Insight for a Globalized World

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Taiwan Strait Situation

  • Study the history and current situation of Taiwan's geopolitics, build an analytical framework for the dynamic relations among the United States, China and Taiwan, and evaluate the internal and external factors affecting the situation across the Taiwan Strait in the dynamic context of US-China strategic competition;
  • Study the military deployment and arms race across the Taiwan Straits, as well as the possibility and consequences of a Taiwan war and the resolution of the Taiwan Straits question;
  • Both China and Taiwan are important players in the global economy and an important part of the global supply chain. SIPA is concerned about the impact of developments across the Taiwan Strait on the global economy;
  • Study how public opinion in Taiwan has an important impact on cross-Straits relations and the situation in the Taiwan Straits, and how to promote the peaceful and stable development of the Taiwan Straits through people-to-people exchanges and cooperation;
  • People-to-people and cultural exchanges play an important role in easing cross-Straits relations and enhancing understanding and mutual trust between people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits. SIPA focuses on how to promote people-to-people exchanges and cultural exchanges and expand exchanges and cooperation between people on both sides of the Straits.